
Gardening Products

No matter what gardening products you need for your project, Royal Victorian Gardens in North Royalton, OH has the quality materials you need to get the job done. From fertilizers and mulch to repellants, we have the items to help you care for your lawn. Contact us today to learn more.

Our Gardening Products Include:

Lawn Fertilizers

  • Scotts, GreenView, GreenView Fairway Formula, Lesco, Espoma, and Milorganite

Lawn Insect Control & Disease Control

  • Bayer, GrubEx, Ortho, Ferti-lome

Weed Control for Lawn and Garden

  • Pre and post emergent

Bulk and Bagged

  • Soils, Mulches, Compost, Sand, & Stone

Granular & Liquid Fertilizers

  • Rose & Flower, Trees & Shrubs, Vegetable Gardens, Tropicals, Perennials, Houseplants, and more

Insect Control

  • Rose & Flower, Tree & Shrub one year drench (pour and ignore for 1 year) new remedies for Boxwood, and much more

Gardening Tools

  • Hand tools, Pruners, Gloves, Kneeling Pads, Water wands, Nozzles, Watering Cans and much more


Garden Statuary and Fountains

Solar Lighting

Yard Art

Our best product is our staff’s knowledge and ability to provide simple solutions that are productive and cost effective.